Be groovy. Be very groovy.

Tähendab. Kumb on usutavam? Mitte kumbki? Heh. Salaja ma tahaks ikka Red olla:D Ja mingil põhjusel ei saa ma seda teksti püstkirja panna, las ta siis jääda.

Your result for The which That 70s show character Test...

Michael Kelso

Kelso is the hot yet dumb one. He's also what we like to call a 'man-slut'.

Yet it doesn't keep him from loving his friends.

While you are certainly smarter than him, you have his big heart and you are also very low maintenance.
Just remember that VD isn't a trophy...

Take The which That 70s show character Test at HelloQuizzy


The girl next door? Not exactly. Like Donna, you've got a feisty and independent spirit. You're no shrinking violet. If somebody's giving you a hard time or stepping out of line, you're not afraid to stand up for yourself and tell it like it is. A competitive character, you can keep up with the boys, no problem.

Don't get us wrong. With your no-nonsense approach also comes a sharp sense of humor and a sexy edge. Your brains and brawn only make you that much more alluring to your fans. So keep matching wits and wills with the rest of the gang. You're sure to bring on the laughs and the good times. Groovy!

Posted in  on juuli 16, 2008 by  |