Vagunisaatja: esimene vagun

1. What did you do in 2010 that you’ve never done before?
Watched more than 1 movie on town hall square during Tartuff.

2. Did you keep your New Year’s promises and will you give them for next year?
Giving promises is not something I associate with the coming of new year.

3. Did any of your friends/relatives have a baby?

4. Did you go to anyone’s funeral?


5. Which countries did you visit?
Not even Narnia.

6. What do you want to have in 2011 that you missed in 2010?
I want to have this one day in a month that many people have :P

7. Which date in 2010 you’ll remember and why?
June 4th

8. What was the biggest accomplishment of the year?
Guess it is kind of an accomplishment if you're able to wrap things up.

9. What was the biggest failure?
Not gonna start on that one.

10. Were you bothered by any disease?
See the last one.

11. What was the best thing you bought?
Ice cream in July

12. Who’s behavior was rather remarkable?
Koit Toome

13. Who’s behavior made you depressed?
Depressed is maybe a too strong word.

14. What did you spend the most money on?
Still food.

15. What excited you the most?
Sports. Sad, I know.

16. Which song will always remind you of year 2010?
"Oh lately it's so quiet" by OK Go

17. Comparing to last year you’re:
i. happier or sadder? hm, a little bit on the sadder side probably
ii. thinner or fatter? the same I guess
iii. richer or poorer? no comment

18. What do you wish you would have done more?
Useful things

19. What do you wish you would have done less?

20. How did you spend your Christmas?
Much time was spent commenting the bad Christmas program on TV

21. How do you plan to spend the New Year’s Eve?
Laughing the amount of laugh that still hasn't been laughed this year.

22. Did you fall in love in 2010?

23. How many one-night-stands did you have?
I don't like this question, why is it here? I mean...if I was the one reading this list I certainly wouldn't want to find out that about the person who's answering the questions.

24. Which TV-shows were your favorites?
True Blood and whatever Eurosport happened to be showing.

25. Do you hate someone now that you didn’t hate before?
Still not.

26. What’s the best book you read this year?
"Berliini paplid" Anne B.Ragde

27. What was your biggest musical discovery? says it's OK Go, I agree.

28. What did you want very bad and actually got?
Not gonna say.

29. What did you want very bad and didn’t get?
Khm, yea.

30. What was your favorite movie of the year?
"An Education"

31. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?

Went to a concert, played a game, had a glass of wine, turned 24.

32. What thing/event would have made your year even more remarkable?
Winning that trip I wanted to win.

33. How would you describe your outfits in 2010?
Homy, often containing holes. (I keep reading the first word as horny ...)

34. What kept you sane?
Nothing at some point.

35. Which celebrity did you dream about the most?
I wouldn't say dream but I spent a considerable amount of time gazing a number of athletes on different screens. They're not a bad choice if you want to rest your eyes so I'd like to take this opportunity to recommend it to all of you ;)

36. What political event moved you the most?

37. Who did you miss the most?

A fairy godmother who'd give me the dress and the carriage.

38. Who’s the best person you met this year?
Hmm. Fernanda from the soap, certainly the best person. (Oh how I love this good person-better person-the best person thing...)

39. Best lesson in life in year 2010?
Should say something wise here but I'm not gonna. Played a game yesterday called "Reis läbi elu". I had a hubby (for some reason unknown to me I called him Toomas) and two kids (Juhan and Maali), a victorian style villa and an orange car. Plus I was a doctor, how does that sound to you? :)