The first thing you wash in the shower? Hair
Do you like coffee? Not realreal coffee, but drinks with caffeine generally yes
How are you doing right now? I'm filling out this thing, so pretty good :)
What is the last letter in the name of the person you have a crush on? Could be anything really
Tell us about your last dream. Hmm, it has been a, I really can't remember
Could you eat your favorite food for a whole month without getting tired of it? Easily
What do you want right now? something good to drink
Have you ever counted to 1,000? I think I stopped when I got to 376 or something
Do you bite ice cream or lick it? Both.
Do you use smileys? Yes, but just the usual ones
Have you met anyone famous? It's a small country
Do you like cottage cheese? Yes
What song did you last in your head? " Oh, don't get me started, earlier today it was "Päevapaiste saar" for example, and later "I just wanna be ok, be ok, be ok..."
Are your parents strict? I know quite a few stricter people
Would you go skydiving? Not probable
Glittering something in your room right now? That's quite an original question. Guess not.
Do you rent movies? Nope
Where will you be on Monday? Probably right here.
What did you eat for lunch? Define lunch. Rice.
Do you have curly hair? You have to be kidding me.
Favorite Season? Autumn.Spring
Who was the last person whose hand you held? Hm, probably someone who asked me to feel how cold her/his hands were.
Do you sleep with the TV on? Not usually but I could.
Do you think you're old? Not compared to most people.
Are you afraid of the dark? Sometimes when it's not the darkness I've chosen to be in myself.
Do you like your life right now? As said before somewhere, there are pros and cons to all kinds of life.
Have you ever chosen to take a bath instead of showering? Yes
Do you have good eyesight? Well, I'm not blind without glasses
Where are your parents right now? Home
What are you wearing right now? My red Santa suit
What was the last thing you bought? It was more than once thing, nothing special.
Do you hate more than 3 people? No, I hate less than 1
Do you use sushi sticks? No but I used them for rice before.
Do you own a gun? No
Do you like your hair? I might but...not a single curl....aah, kills me
Do you like yourself? I like some things about myself and I don't like some things about myself, consider that normal.
How often do you use MSN? Not much these days it seems
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