A.K.A. "White...The Whitest"
No one likes you. But that's just first impressions! Once people get beyond your initial...weirdness, they come to see you as a pretty cool person who genuinely tries, over and over if need be, to succeed in everything -- work, relationships, and life in general. All you need to do is relax a little, build up a little self-confidence, and maybe figure out what to do with that hair in your face.
Mingi teise tegin ka, aga sealt sain, et olen nagu Ted, kes on vist see juriidilisi asju ajav mees. Kardab kogu aeg, et keegi haigla kohtusse kaebab ja öösiti teeb liftis oma "poistebändiga" proovi. See oleks ju liig eksole;)
Aa, ma olen ka nüüd pulmas käinud;)