# 746

Valikuline tähelepanu on väga tore, eriti kui satud ise valikusse kuuluma.
on aprill 30, 2012 by  |  


Kuu karlovalase priis läheb sellele naisele, kes hommikuti peale kaheksat oma taksikoeraga jalutab. Tegelt ilmselt ka taksile siis, too istub mõnikord ka mõnusalt akna peal ja elab minu kulgemisele kaasa.

Situatsioon ühistranspordis

Kaks keskkooliealist noormeest, kellest üks äkki leidis, et tal pole kuupiletit kaasas, ja ütles kohe kõhklemata: "Ma pean ostma siis." Läks ja ostiski.(Ei ole jah midagi erilist, aga hea oli näha, et ta ei üritanud kuidagi tasuta ennast sõitma nihverdada.)
Teine noormees rääkis sellest, kuidas tema ennist koju läks ja ema kõrvale teleka ette istus. History Channelist olla tulnud mingid jube head saated, üks Charles Lindberghist ja teine relvadest. Neist viimastest rääkis ta ka täiesti intelligentsel toonil nagu igast muust teemast (mitte nagu mõni oss oma pahh-pahh ja mürr-mürr jutuga).

Loo moraal: Kogu noorsugu pole hukas.


Kui oled pool aastat mõelnud, kas tegemist on mantli- või jopeinimesega, siis tundub teadasaamine nagu suur võit. Eriti kui vastus on see, mida tahtsid.
on aprill 16, 2012 by  |  


"Ta ei armastanud meest, igatahes mitte pärast seda, kui oli näinud, kui äraütlemata halvasti too oma emakeelega ümber käib."
(Anne B.Ragde "Öine soov")

Usun, et pole ülekohtune sellega nõustuda.

KP #2

  • pubekad, kes te seisate bussis kobaras komposteerija ümber, mis on keskmise ukse juures ja seetõttu üks enimkasutatavaid
  • vanamees, kes sa vaba istekoha poole sööstes (sest see on ju eluküsimus) mulle varba peale astud, nii et mu uutel kingadel mõlk sees on
  • bussijuht, kes sa kihutad nagu pöörane närvihaige
  • pihv, kes sa hirmus kõva häälega telefonivestlust pead (mind ei huvita su Järva-Jaani jõmmid)
  • alakas, kes sa vaevalt kell 5 õhtul Tasku ees alkoholi kaanid
  • täisealine, kes sa alakale alkoholi ostnud oled
  • tolbajoob, kes sa poest varastada üritad (mis sul viga on?)
Teile kõigile see suurepärane monoloog.

# 740

Selle kevade lemmikkujund on ring, sealt ka blogi uus kuub. (Või vastupidi?)
on aprill 08, 2012 by  |  

See on kõik, mida ma ütlen...

  • 1. Current mood? Not the best actually. Some days just aren't that great.
  • 2. If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be and why? How about Andy Murray, we could be awkward together.
  • 3. You win a million dollars, what is the first thing you spend it on? Payback
  • 4. Favourite song or songs at the moment? Don't have any. They're all old.
  • 5. What are you wearing right now? That sounds like a beginning to an interesting conversation :D Shirt, pants, shawl.
  • 6. Least favourite singer? Rihanna. Oh god.
  • 7. One thing you're craving right now. Chicken, always.
  • 8. Last movie you watched? It's been a while. Was it New moon on TV? :D
  • 9. Favourite quote? Every thought you ever had has already been thought of by somebody else. Something like that. I think it was Goethe's.
  • 10. Have any piercings? If so, where?Ears.
  • 11. Biggest pet peeve?Loud people.
  • 12. One electronic item you can't live without? Laptop?
  • 13. Favourite music genre? I'm not big in genres. Indie?
  • 14. Play any sports? If so, what sports. Not really. I'm always up for badminton though.
  • 15. Best birthday present ever received. A good laugh?
  • 16. Scariest moment of your life. Maybe the one when I thought I had a panick attack.
  • 17.Earliest memory? Great-grandmother's funeral?
  • 18. Missing anyone at the moment? Not really.
  • 19. What do you look for in the opposite sex? Sensibility (mõistlikkus?), patience, pretty hands :D
  • 20. Favourite song lyrics? Look at the column on the right.
  • 21. One food that you could eat every day, and never get tired of. Chicken.
  • 22. If you could be any animal, which animal would you be? Cat? But I wouldn't want to be an animal.
  • 23. Favourite holiday? Independence day
  • 24. Do you like the place you live in? Yes.
  • 25. What kind of computer do you have? Red.
  • 26. Ever had you heart broken? I'm not a big fan of that saying, I'd use some other expression.
  • 28. Do you get jealous easily? I guess.
  • 29. One thing you wish you could change about yourself. Some thoughts I have.
  • 30. Have a crush on anyone at the moment? Not really.
  • 31. Biggest fear? That's one thing I don't like making charts of.
  • 32. What is the current time where you are? 15:54
  • 33. One thing you like about yourself. Some thoughts I have.
  • 34. Something you wish to accomplish within the next year? *Make a wish and don't tell anyone otherwise it won't come true.*
  • 35. Favourite place to travel? Scandinavia, Europe generally.
  • 36. Someone who is very important to you. I'd like to think I am.
  • 37.Favourite scent? Spring flowers.
  • 38.Ever been to any concerts? If so, how many, and which was your favourite? Quite a few. I don't know if it was my favourite but the Garmarna concert a few years ago came to my mind recently.
  • 39. One thing you want to say to someone right now, but can't or aren't brave enough to. Wanna hang out?

    ...sest tundub, et mul pole enam kuigi palju öelda. Kahju muidugi.