- I have now seen the first Harry Potter movie. Can't say it changed my life but I think it's a good movie in it's own genre and for it's target audience. I liked the music. And I'm not opposed to the idea of watching the second movie if it's on tv this week.
- There's a huge amount of ugly clothes out there in the world. They really make you think who would design such a thing, who would buy it and who would actually wear it. Well, it seems that all of those people exist. (That's totally only my opinion of course, I'm sure there's stuff in my closet that some people would say the same about.)
- The neighbours are still doing the remont (the word is just too good not to use it). All the noisy things they do are so annoying that the whole situation just makes me laugh. Specially in the mornings.
- In spite of the drilling (I think?) this morning I still slept so well today. Maybe it's because of the slightly lower temperature.
- There's some kind of tivoli outside, it really helps you to keep up with the latest top 40 hits.
- An obligatory "Oh, how I love the autumn" paragraph. I can smell it coming in the air and it just makes me feel so much more calm/in character/fitting in/some other good word.
- I very much like the baristas (another cool word) in Coffee In. Wonder why they didn't get this "Kiida teenindajat" thing this year.
- Why haven't I seen Twilight agendas anywhere? Maybe I wanna buy one.
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