A movie I just watched made me think about something I've always wondered about: why do people need someone to hold their hair while they're throwing up? It has never made sense. Why can't I hold my own hair? I'm perfectly capable of it, it's not like I need my hands to throw up.
Or...why do hair even need to be held (by anybody) during that process? Do they really get on the way that much? Well, maybe I'm just viewing the whole thing too much based on myself, maybe people with big curly hair have a bigger problem with that.
But still, why would you even want somebody with you while you're doing that? I, personally, am very happy when I have the privilege to puke in the solitude of a bathroom, because, well, that's not always the case (read: motion sickness).
Now, about the movie. "Remember me" with the famous mr Pattinson. He was bearable, his character was too dramatic though. Not having seen spoilers before the movie, the end was pretty unexpected. I just don't know if I agree with (over)using this certain event in movies.
I liked the little sister the most. The actress was good as well as the storyline. And if there's one thing that really makes me want to !"##¤¤&¤/¤/#% it's mean school girls. A very relatable subject I think. Everyone has seen them, been a victim of them or been one of them.
I feel a longer speech on that particular topic forming in me so I'm gonna stop now before the vomit breaks out.
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