Nimekirjade austajana ei saanud täitmata jätta. Küllap neid veelgi tuleb.
1. What did you do in 2009 that you’ve never done before?
Pokkerit mängisin näiteks.Ükspäev oli suur nimekiri olemas neist asjadest, aga enam meelde ei tule.
2. Did you keep your New Year’s promises and will you give them for next year?
Pole lubadusi andnud, pole ka midagi pidada. Edaspidi ka ei anna.
3. Did any of your friends/relatives get a baby?
Ei tule ette küll ühtegi. Tuttavate inimeste hulgas küll saadi lapsi.
4. Did you go to anyone’s funeral?
5. Which countries did you visit?
6. What do you want to have in 2010 that you missed in 2009?
Põnevust. Ja pinnapealsemalt poolelt tahaks rohkem raha. Lihtsalt natuke rohkem, et ei peaks pidevalt mõtlema sellele, et mul teda pole.
7. Which date in 2009 you’ll remember and why?
5.august, 30.november.
8. What was the biggest accomplishment of the year?
Mitte ärapõgenemine.
9. What was the biggest failure?
10. Were you bothered by any disease?
Oluliselt mitte.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
"Keisri hullu" näiteks ostsin.
12. Who’s behavior was rather remarkable?
Minu enda ma kahtlustan.
13. Who’s behavior made you depressed?
Pole midagi eriomast 2009. aastale, seega ei hakka parem.
14. What did you spend the most money on?
Toit paraku.
15. What excited you the most?
Mitmesugune fiktsioon.
16. Which song will always remind you of year 2009?
"Hear me out"- Frou Frou, "Swimming Pool"- Freezepop, "My Love"- The Bird and the Bee
17. Comparing to last year you’re:
i. happier or sadder? õnnelikum
ii. thinner or fatter? sama
iii. richer or poorer? vaesem
18. What do you wish you would have done more?
Seltskondlik võiks alati rohkem olla.
19. What do you wish you would have done less?
Virinat igasugust on alati liiga palju.
20. How did you spend your Christmas?
Käisin pidevalt pliidi pealt kapsast ampsamas.
21. How do you plan to spend the New Year’s Eve?
Naerda kavatsen päris korralikult.
22. Did you fall in love in 2009?
Pigem ei.
23. How many one-night-stands did you have?
On see tõesti asi, mida küsida siin? Definitsioonid.
24. Which TV-shows were your favorites?
Need, mille peale Kathriin huilgama hakkas :P
25. Do you hate someone now that you didn’t hate before?
Pole minu teema see vihkamine.
26. What’s the best book you read this year?
"Hiired tuules" Muti oma.
27. What was your biggest musical discovery?
Mitmed. Jem. The Cure'i sai natuke kuulatud.
28. What did you want very bad and actually got?
Sain küll asju, aga kas ma neid ka VÄGA tahtsin.
29. What did you want very bad and didn’t get?
Taaskord sama.
30. What was your favorite movie of the year?
"Milk" ilmselt.
31. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?
Hm, eriteemalisi asju. 23 sain.
32. What thing/event would have made your year even more remarkable?
Keegi oleks võinud ikka pulmad ära teha. :D
33. How would you describe your outfits in 2009?
Ostetud varem kui 2009.
34. What kept you sane?
Kui kaine, siis ikka ise.
35. Which celebrity did you dream about the most?
Ja kas tõesti keegi arvab, et keegi kirjutaks siia mingi nime, isegi kui oleks kirjutada? Märt Avandi mulle suhteliselt palju meeldib, mitte unistamise tasandil küll.
36. What political event moved you the most?
Valimised olid ja.
37. Who did you miss the most?
Kindlatest isikutest ei saa rääkida.
38. Who’s the best person you met this year?
Vaevalt ma sedagi siin ütlen. Aga oli lihtsamalt ja raskemini mõistetavaid, öelgem, tagumised veidi põnevamad.
39. Best lesson in life in year 2009?
Ikka veel on iga mees oma saatuse sepp ja oma õnne valaja.