Don't read if you've just eaten

A movie I just watched made me think about something I've always wondered about: why do people need someone to hold their hair while they're throwing up? It has never made sense. Why can't I hold my own hair? I'm perfectly capable of it, it's not like I need my hands to throw up.

Or...why do hair even need to be held (by anybody) during that process? Do they really get on the way that much? Well, maybe I'm just viewing the whole thing too much based on myself, maybe people with big curly hair have a bigger problem with that.

But still, why would you even want somebody with you while you're doing that? I, personally, am very happy when I have the privilege to puke in the solitude of a bathroom, because, well, that's not always the case (read: motion sickness).

Now, about the movie. "Remember me" with the famous mr Pattinson. He was bearable, his character was too dramatic though. Not having seen spoilers before the movie, the end was pretty unexpected. I just don't know if I agree with (over)using this certain event in movies.

I liked the little sister the most. The actress was good as well as the storyline. And if there's one thing that really makes me want to !"##¤¤&¤/¤/#% it's mean school girls. A very relatable subject I think. Everyone has seen them, been a victim of them or been one of them.

I feel a longer speech on that particular topic forming in me so I'm gonna stop now before the vomit breaks out.
on august 27, 2010 by  |  

Just some notes

  • I have now seen the first Harry Potter movie. Can't say it changed my life but I think it's a good movie in it's own genre and for it's target audience. I liked the music. And I'm not opposed to the idea of watching the second movie if it's on tv this week.
  • There's a huge amount of ugly clothes out there in the world. They really make you think who would design such a thing, who would buy it and who would actually wear it. Well, it seems that all of those people exist. (That's totally only my opinion of course, I'm sure there's stuff in my closet that some people would say the same about.)
  • The neighbours are still doing the remont (the word is just too good not to use it). All the noisy things they do are so annoying that the whole situation just makes me laugh. Specially in the mornings.
  • In spite of the drilling (I think?) this morning I still slept so well today. Maybe it's because of the slightly lower temperature.
  • There's some kind of tivoli outside, it really helps you to keep up with the latest top 40 hits.
  • An obligatory "Oh, how I love the autumn" paragraph. I can smell it coming in the air and it just makes me feel so much more calm/in character/fitting in/some other good word.
  • I very much like the baristas (another cool word) in Coffee In. Wonder why they didn't get this "Kiida teenindajat" thing this year.
  • Why haven't I seen Twilight agendas anywhere? Maybe I wanna buy one.

Urban Dictionary meme

Urban Dictionary is a very useful page as I've found out. For each question, enter your answer into urbandictionary and write down the first answer you get.

1. Your Name: Kaisa

A strong person hailing from Finland who often stirs resentment in weak people because Kaisa is inherently self-determined and highly resistant to manipulation by small minds. Kaisa stands as a bright light in a difficult, dark world. Kaisa takes no crap from others and pursues her goals with quiet determination and never-wavering resilience.

Um...thank you?

2. Your Age: 24

24, The Jack Bauer Power Hour. The most entertainment you can stuff into a single day. Full of twists, turns, violence, and Elisha Cuthbert.

3. One Of Your Friends: Mari

one of the prettiest, smartest, cutest, evil, caring, creative, talented, true punk, psycho, rioting, magic-weilding, sick acting, cute fat cheeks, puts-a-smile-on-my-face, amazing and most beautiful girls ever. actually.. the only one of her kind.

You're welcome!

4. What You Should Be Doing: sleeping

To masturbate furiously in your room praying that your grandma doesn't come in.

So this is what they call it these days...

5. Your Favorite Color: dark orange

Orange girl

An orange girl is the blond arm prop (usually that of a mega chotch or bro) you usually see around bars or campus. She will have blinding white hair and dark orange skin caused by spray on tans. These are prototype trucker wives. They also have the IQ of a curious child.

6. Your Birthplace: Kohtla-Järve

Kohtla-Järve isn't defined yet.

This seems to have a meaning on many levels :P

7. Last Person You Talked To: Kristi

a woman i know who is incredibly sexy and i love her so much. she is the most amazing person alive and if you dont think so you deserve to die. amazingly there are some people who actually dont like her. but thats just because they're jealous and they're all asses anyway so no one cares about them. Kristi deserves everything in the world and id do anything for her. ill never leave her side and i'll always be her best friend.

8. Last Thing You Had To Drink: water

The 4th element required to summon Captain Planet

Heart? What?

9. Your Nickname: Kaie

Kaie katastrophe

scene queen; myspace/facebook addict; frequently dies hair; thick makeup; enjoys phrases such as; SO RAD, OMGSHHHHHH. EEK! YEEE BWOII. etc. quite cute.

Not quite.

Still no movie buff

Two movies yesterday. An Education. I liked it so much it made me want to squee and clap my hands and stomp my feet and tell the person next to me just how much I like it (which I did, several times, fortunately she was not a stranger). I think being a caffeine squirrel was a factor in causing those reactions too but was screenplay by Nick Hornby and the story was so good and the actors were great and it was funny and cute and a little bit didactical maybe. And Rosamund Pike was there. If I liked women in that way, I think I'd be into her. Sarah Paulson as well. (That's your off-topic of the day.)

The second movie...the infamous Emmanuelle. Strange, strange thing. And I thought Twilight was funny.
on august 13, 2010 by  |  


The ongoing film festival led me back to this song and I thought I'd count how many of those statements I actually agree to. In the end it wasn't as easy as one would think it is.

I believe the sun should never set upon an argument

I believe we place our happiness in other people's hands (it happens, it happens)
I believe that junk food tastes so good because it's bad for you
I believe your parents did the best job they knew how to do
I believe that beauty magazines promote low self esteem
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself alone (not the only time I'm loved though)

I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned
I believe you can't appreciate real love 'til you've been burned
I believe the grass is no more greener on the other side
I believe you don't know what you've got until you say goodbye

I believe you can't control or choose your sexuality
I believe that trust is more important than monogamy
I believe your most attractive features are your heart and soul (if you can think of heart and soul as personality and character)
I believe that family is worth more than money or gold (I think they can't be compared that way, shoot me)
I believe the struggle for financial freedom is unfair
I believe the only ones who disagree are millionaires

I believe forgiveness is the key to your own happiness
I believe that wedded bliss negates the need to be undressed (all thoughts about what exactly that sentence means are very welcome, don't know if my version is right)
I believe that God does not endorse tv evangelists
I believe in love surviving death into eternity

And last but not least, I still like Savage Garden. Or like Miranda would say: "I love it, it's my thing, let it go."

The topic continues

Started reading a new book today and already on page 17 there's some gold:

"Kohtasin eile oma endist kooliõde pr. Kriisat. Ta kurtis, et elu olevat mõttetu, kuna pole lapsi. Kuid on siis mõtet omaette? On ajud - on mõte, pole ajusid - pole ka mõtet. Kuidas saaksid lapsed aju aset täita?

Ma ei mõista neid naisi. Oleksin rõõmus, kui saaksin lapsi, sest armastan neid. Kuid ma ei usu, et mu elul siis rohkem "mõtet" oleks. See tähendaks vaid mu egoismi suuremat rahuldamist ega mitte midagi muud."

Elo Tuglas. Tartu päevik 1928-1941.

Page 17 is one of the those pages they put a seal on in libraries. Who knows what page 51 will bring.